Sunday, March 9, 2014

Feeling Full

After meditating I feel full.  Almost like the fullness after eating a wonderful meal, but more encompassing.  And sustaining...or so I believe.

As the day continues, I tend to feel depleted, and, like many other women, go foraging for something to fill me up.  First place I look is for a cup of tea, or maybe a cookie (or both!) or sometimes into my special chocolate hiding place for a square or rich dark yumminess.  Sometimes, that is enough, often it isn't...I've got much bigger space that needs filling!

After examining what creates that feeling of "being full" for me, I realize that I tend not to own all of ME.  Just the parts I like, or those I want to take credit for, but not ALL of me.  That's a great place to begin.  We are both shadow and light, night and day.  Why do I think I need to be bright and shiny all the time?

Then I take an inventory of where I've scattered parts of me, my attention, my energy.  As each hour passes in a day, I've sent my energetic brain in motion solving all kinds of problems; looking into potential solutions for clients, loving my daughters, friends, family, feeling into the news I hear on the radio or read on the internet, rearranging my furniture in my head, balancing my cash flow, worrying about the time, what I'll make for dinner, will I get to the store to get food for dinner?  And, on it goes.  Bits of Me are flying in all directions at once.  NOT what I call centered.  

This is when, if I've got my awareness high enough, I will stand up, go outside and breathe in Mother Nature's energy, or dance to some fun music, literally laugh out loud at myself or sing.  All of these bring me into the present.

In this space, I can gently ground myself and call back all of those pieces and put them back together. (always did like building blocks and legos!)

From the place of Being Full, I am fully present to love others, focus on work to be done, tap into my intuition for inspired actions or solutions and not falling into find the quick fixes of food, losing myself in a computer game or Facebook, or another shadow comfort habit.  

What do you do to fill yourself up?  How do you sustain it?  I'd love to hear!

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